Use the map below to find out if your property is in a designated Critical Drainage Area (CDA)
- Click 'Find Address' and type your postcode in the box. If 'Find Address' is not visible, click the
menu button to open up the side menu. Type your postcode in the box. A dropdown of available addresses appears; click on your address. A reference point for your address will appear on the map.
- Click on the ‘Map Categories’ section to the left for a drop down menu, and check the ‘Critical Drainage Areas’ box.
- The CDAs will be displayed with an orange gridded overlay. If your address’ reference point is within the gridded section, your property lies within a CDA.
If your property is within the gridded section you are eligible to apply for the Property Flood Resilience (PFR) grant.
*This map forms part of the Essex County Council asset register