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What you can do at home

Flooding can arise from rivers, coast and rainfall. Are you aware of your home's flood risk? Even areas with the lowest risk can experience flooding due to severe storms and tidal surges.

There are numerous ways to enhance your home's flood and climate change resilience. If your property has suffered internal flooding, you might qualify for the Property Flood Resilience Grant.

Try these small changes to slow the flow of surface water around your home and reduce flood risk: 

  • Install a water butt  - Essex County Council offers a 50% subsidy to Essex residents through GetComposting
  • Redirect downspouts to flower beds, sustainable drainage planters, or vegetated storage basins - visit Groundwork for step-by-step guidance. Many suppliers sell Sustainable drainage planters. 
  • Build a rain garden - visit RHS and Transition Town for step-by-step guidance
  • Increase permeability of hard surfaces - for example, by using stepping stones or replacing tarmac with grass block pavers

These measures also help conserve water in the environment, reduce runoff pollution, support biodiversity, and enhance aesthetics!

Watch this video for simple home modifications to mitigate surface water flooding:

Flooding can sometimes be unavoidable, so being prepared is crucial. ECC provides guidance on how to prepare your home for a flood. Additionally, you can consult the Essex Resilience Flood Forum website for more information. ECC provides guidance on on how to prepare your home for a flood. Additionally, you can consult the Essex Resilience Flood Forum

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