Other sources of flooding and who to report to include:
Main Rivers and Sea. For flooding from main rivers, or the sea including pollution events, please report this to the EA at: Report an environmental incident - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Watercourses. For flooding from small rivers, ditches or watercourses, it is the responsibility of the private land owner to ensure the channel remains unobstructed. Further information about riparian responsibility is found here.
Sewers/Pipes. For flooding from pipes or sewers, please report this to the relevant water company. Anglian Water covers most of the county; although Epping Forest, Harlow and some parts of Uttlesford are managed by Thames Water.
Other useful contacts in relation to flooding:
- National Flood Forum
- Essex Fire and Rescue Service
- Essex Highways
- Essex Resilience Forum
- local planning authority (LPA) or
- District Borough Council