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Our duties as a Lead Local Flood Authority

What does it mean for Essex County Council to be a Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA)?

Essex County Council has been given lead responsibility for reducing the risk of flooding from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses and to work closely with other organisations under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.

Transcript Local Flood Risk Strategy

Our duties

Under The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and Flood Risk Regulations 2009, Essex County Council as a Lead Local Flood Authority is responsible for managing flood risk. We are required to:

  • work in partnership with other flood risk management authorities including the Environment Agency, Water Companies, Local Planning Authorities and Essex Highways.
  • manage local flood risk such as groundwater flooding, surface water run-off and ordinary watercourses
  • prepare and maintain a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.
  • maintain a register of assets – these are physical features that have an effect on flooding
  • manage any assets and features which have an impact on flood risk so they cannot be removed or replaced without permission
  • investigate flooding incidents where necessary and make the results from these investigations public
  • commission works to plan and prioritise flood risk management activities in relation to surface runoff or groundwater
  • give permission for any changes to ordinary watercourses under the Land Drainage Act 1991
  • consider using permissive powers under the Land Drainage Act 1991 to enforce watercourse maintenance in line with our Enforcement Policy
  • make sure that any developments/projects drain off run-off water in a way which does not increase the risk of flooding anywhere else
  • respond to major planning applications in relation to sustainable drainage systems.

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